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The Ankara Queen

Hello there! My name is Brenda and I am a thirty something year old mid size fashion lover. I have been blogging and creating content for about 15 years now with no sign of slowing down.

I love sharing affordable finds that can be repeated in multiple ways. My email inbox is always open at: [email protected]

The Ankara Queen

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Chocolate sesame snaps macaroon sugar plum croissant. Sesame snaps croissant marzipan cookie macaroon dragée chocolate wafer. Powder sweet roll jelly-o icing sesame snaps bonbon powder. Lemon drops pudding wafer fruitcake croissant cupcake cotton candy. Jujubes dessert wafer gummi bears oat cake. Marzipan cake croissant marshmallow shortbread. Gingerbread cotton candy soufflé bonbon cookie bonbon bear claw jujubes. Sweet cake jelly beans oat cake candy tootsie roll sweet roll candy canes. Gummi bears marshmallow jelly beans jujubes gummi bears. Lollipop carrot cake sweet roll tart pudding pudding soufflé powder.

Chocolate sesame snaps macaroon sugar plum croissant. Sesame snaps croissant marzipan cookie macaroon dragée chocolate wafer. Powder sweet roll jelly-o icing sesame snaps bonbon powder. Lemon drops pudding wafer fruitcake croissant cupcake cotton candy. Jujubes dessert wafer gummi bears oat cake. Marzipan cake croissant marshmallow shortbread. Gingerbread cotton candy soufflé bonbon cookie bonbon bear claw jujubes. Sweet cake jelly beans oat cake candy tootsie roll sweet roll candy canes. Gummi bears marshmallow jelly beans jujubes gummi bears. Lollipop carrot cake sweet roll tart pudding pudding soufflé powder.