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The Ankara Queen

Hello there! My name is Brenda and I am a thirty something year old mid size fashion lover. I have been blogging and creating content for about 15 years now with no sign of slowing down.

I love sharing affordable finds that can be repeated in multiple ways. My email inbox is always open at: [email protected]

The Ankara Queen

More Green

I don’t necessarily have New Year resolutions but I do have lists of things I wish to achieve/accomplish within each year. This year, the number one thing (I mean, after building my relationship with God further), is MORE GREEN! Yes, I’m all about that schmoneyyy!ImageI have a number of things I am silently working on involving Melapteh and as it takes money to make money, so am I hustling to come up with capital. Hustling also entails networking and volunteering smartly. I recently posted on my Instagram about my encounter with Ty Hunter, Beyonce’s main stylist and entrepreneur. I had met Ty back in 2015 when I went to New York City for a Cocktails with Claire event. He actually remembered me from our few minutes spent together-which was crazy! How this second meeting came about was through strategic networking. You see, the young lady who created the event he was speaking at posted about it and I immediately messaged her to offer my marketing and social media services. We met up, I basically sold myself to her and she had me join the planning committee. It was definitely a challenge juggling work, Melapteh and now planning this event but in the end, it was very successful. However, not everyone on the team was selected to join the distinguished guests later on! You see, what happened was the main organizer invited only those who she felt were dedicated to her project to head over to an intimate chill session with Ty and the other guests. Do you know how valuable a one-on-one is with someone as accomplished as Ty? We had fries, quesadillas and shrimp until 2 in the morning!ImageA major lesson was re-affirmed for me that night-always give your best and put your best foot forward-always! To be successful these days, I think it’s 60% networking and 40% knowledge and hard work. The relationships we build and maintain would greatly determine our future success. I said I wanted the green, well here I come with the networking!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my Nordstrom change room chronicles that so many are loving right now!



ImageBlouse- Nordstrom

Skirt- Zara (old)

Heels- Zara (old)

Images by S-C Photography