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The Ankara Queen

Hello there! My name is Brenda and I am a thirty something year old mid size fashion lover. I have been blogging and creating content for about 15 years now with no sign of slowing down.

I love sharing affordable finds that can be repeated in multiple ways. My email inbox is always open at: [email protected]

The Ankara Queen

It’s a wrap for 2018!!!

Just like that, another year has come and gone. Wow! What a year it has been.

Being a Capricorn (who just celebrated her birthday on the 26th by the way), I like to visualize things. So here is a list of my high’s and low’s for the year 2018.Image


-Became a Canadian citizen

-Restarted blogging

-Started the process to get my teeth fixed

-Saved/invested more

-Got a good job

-Prayed every single day and read my daily Bible passages

-Visited my sister in LA


-My good friend passed away

-My business, Melapteh did not gross as anticipated

-Went to the ER twice for fibroid-related concerns

At the end of the day, the high’s outweighed the low’s and I am grateful to God for that.

I am thankful for my family and all the relationships I have cultivated up until recently. I am definitely working on some more content, business moves and travel in 2019.

A very Happy New Year to every single person reading this and may God’s richest blessings be bestowed upon us all.




The Ankara Queen

Photos captured at Happy Place by Adelle Castle Photography