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The Ankara Queen

Hello there! My name is Brenda and I am a thirty something year old mid size fashion lover. I have been blogging and creating content for about 15 years now with no sign of slowing down.

I love sharing affordable finds that can be repeated in multiple ways. My email inbox is always open at: [email protected]

The Ankara Queen

Hard at work…as per usual

I hate coming in and out of your lives like this but you know how the longer you stay away from someone or something, the harder it is to go back? If you follow me on social media then you know I’ve been busy with #Melapteh. When you’re trying to get Beyonce to regularly wear your stuff, it’s a true hustle! I had been struggling with my supply chain and optimizing garment production. While seeking an optimal solution, I did find a temporary fix that is currently in place.

Life has been pretty good, but too stagnant for my liking. When I see myself doing the same thing for 2 weeks in a row, I self-evaluate to see if I am making the most of my time. The answer tends to be: I could be doing more. I have so many ideas I would love to see become reality sooner rather than later and so I try to ask myself, what is one thing I can do today to bring me 1 step closer to bringing my dreams to fruition.

I was fortunate to plan a stay-cation last weekend where I got to play tourist in my beautiful city! We visited Morrisson’s Quay, Gatineau, Parliament Hill, got a $90 parking ticket we didn’t end up paying, entered the Basilique and more.



Most outfits are from www.melapteh.com while the swimsuit is andreaiyamah!