Handbags are probably a woman’s greatest accessory. A bag can make or break an outfit and so choosing the right one to go with an outfit is a pretty important aspect of styling. You have to take into consideration not only the color of your bag but also its shape, size and design. I never used to be much of a bag lady until I entered my 30’s.
Before then, it was “whatever could contain the dozens of items I thought were necessary to carry around, which meant I could usually be spotted with larger bags such as a tote bag. It was also in my 30’s that I started investing more in good-quality handbags to last me more than just a season or 2.

Nowadays, I pay closer attention to the size and shape of the bag I carry so that it compliments my outfit and boy oh boy have I noticed a difference in my overall appearance. I look more sophisticated and effortlessly stylish. In this post, I would be sharing the top handbag colors to own for different occasions. These colors would be able to take you from a casual look to formal wear and everything in between. In order to show the diversity of bags to own, I would be presenting the colors as different types of bags.
Before we talk about the different colors of bags to own, let’s briefly talk about the different styles of handbags. I would also like to share my favorite bag at the moment in each category to give you some ideas in case you’re on the lookout for a new bag.
Earlier this month, I wrote a post on the best minimalist bags you need in your collection and I encourage you to check it out if you’re in the market for no-fuss bags and purses.
*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through the links, at no cost to you.
1) A tote bag
A tote bag is that one bag you can carry around on any given day. That’s because it’s large enough to fit your daily essentials while granting you easy access thanks to its wide main compartment. My current favorite tote bag at the moment is the Michael Kors Voyageur Leather tote bag. I especially love the brown version. This bag’s main compartment also features a zipper, which helps keeps items in place.

2) Crossbody bag
Crossbody bags are definitely for you if you don’t move around with too much. They’re the go-to bag for vacationers thanks to their ease of wear, smaller size and minimalist design. I’m really loving this Kate Spade small leather crossbody. Perfect for everyday wear.

3) A shoulder bag
Shoulder bags are great because they could either be an everyday bag or they can also be worn for special occasions. They’re usually in the mid-size range and as the name suggests, are meant to be held on your shoulder. If you would rather your shoulders be free when you go out, then avoid this style of bag. This Matt & Nat shoulder bag is my favorite.

4) A clutch
Clutches are synonymous with evening wear. They are your go-to evening bag. To make your outfit appear more formal for a special occasion, it is important to own one. Gunas NY makes some great Vegan leather clutches such as this faux-croc clutch.

5) A bucket bag
Bucket bags are appreciated for their unique design and stylish look – they do look like mini buckets. They are similar to crossbody bags except they tend to sit parallel to the boy, not across. These bags could also serve as great everyday bags, depending on your personal style and how much you typically carry around.
If you can’t afford a Mansur Gavriel, Tory Burch has a a great sustainable option for under $300.

6) A satchel
A satchel is like a cross between a tote and a shoulder bag. It’s handheld like a tote but the structure is more like a shoulder bag. Once again, Matt & Nat make my list of favorite bags with this Fora vegan satchel.

7) A mini bag
Mini bags have quickly become my favorite style of bag to carry! They’re definitely for that person who does not carry much but wants to look sophisticated. Cult Gaia gets it right with this top handle bag. How cute is it? A more affordable option for a mini bag would be this one from Pretty Little Thing.

8) A fanny pack
Isn’t it funny how once upon a time we would make fun of our moms sporting fanny packs in their early adulthood photos…only for fanny packs to come right back into style? Fanny packs are great if you love to explore the outdoors and can’t bother to hold anything in your hands or across your shoulder. This particular fanny pack is a great option for moms who need to keep a diaper or 2 handy.

Now that we’ve covered the main types of handbags, let’s quickly discuss the colors you should be seeking if you want your bags to be able to go with everything in your closet.
A black handbag
To start this list off, let’s start with the basics. A black purse is definitely at the top of this list. It does not matter how many bright colors you own, a black bag works for day-to-day looks and can go with anything in your closet. If you are going to own just one clutch purse, make it a black one.
A white bag
On the opposite end of the color spectrum, we have another neutral shade. A white handbag works great with both a neutral outfit as well as one with brighter colors because it serves as a canvas. All it does is make your entire look fresher without taking away from it. If you really want to stand out, add a white bag to a white outfit and watch the heads turn.

A green bag
Do not sleep on green bags. They can add a pop of color while still keeping things pretty neutral. The best shades of green to go for would be forest green (perfect for Fall) and lime green for the Spring. Green handbags can be paired nicely with other neutral colors such as white, brown, black and grey.

A burgundy bag
I’ve said it before on this blog that burgundy is such a beautiful neutral color. It may resurface during the Spring time each year but an easy way to carry a piece of this rich color with you everyday is by investing in a burgundy bag of your choice. A tote or satchel in this rich color would add some color to your different outfits.

A brown bag
Speaking of neutral colours, if you’re on the hunt for a neutral bag, a brown purse just might be the perfect bag for you. In my opinion, dark brown would be the best choice of color to go with thanks to its richness. It would pair very nicely with other solid colors if you’re going for a more neutral palette. Consider pairing it with burgundy, red, white, black, brown and green outfits. A tan handbag also works well in this scenario.
A metallic bag
Metallic bags are a great way to add a small dose of spunk to your outfit. This is a vibrant handbag that would make any look appear more edgy. Go for a metallic bag if you’re looking to make an otherwise plain outfit more interesting. A small metallic purse would also be a great choice of bag to carry to a cocktail party.

A bag in a pastel color
Pastel colors are just pale tones of your regular colors created by mixing a significant amount of white into the original shade. A lot of women associate pastel colors with the Springtime; it’s one of those fashion rules that have been around for so long. It only makes sense then that pastel bags would make this list. If your outfit features lighter colors, then a good choice of bag to go with would be one in any of the pastel colors. My favorite purse color in a pastel shade would be lilac or light purple.
A bag in your favorite bright color
Every woman needs a colorful handbag in her closet. I have not put a specific color because I want you to think of your favorite bright color and go with that. Mine is yellow and so I won a bright yellow satchel and it instantly makes my outfit brighter. It’s also the first thing people notice when I decide to carry it. Your color handbag of choice could be a red bag or any other bold colors out there. As long as it’s your best color, you’ll find a way to make it work.

Black might be the most popular handbag color but that does not mean it’s the color of handbag you have to choose for your everyday bag. Consider the colors you wear the most often and find a way to compliment them. Start with a more neutral color if you want to be able to get the most out of this great accessory.
Also consider how many personal items you carry around on the daily when making your choice of bags.
Good handbags can be costly but I consider them a long-term wardrobe investment because the right bag can make or break an otherwise great outfit. Investing in a versatile handbag that is functional and in your color of choice is the way to go about it.
P.S. Let me know if any of the links are not working and I would find a replacement 🙂
Until the next post,