Isn’t it funny how you can post an outfit one time and no one really pays attention and then it sells out and you post another photo some months later and Bam! All of a sudden everyone wants the item but…it’s sold out on your website!Ugh! Well such is the case with this lovely dress! My mom actually designed it and I chose the fabric and we only had a few made because we were not sure how it would be received! Oh well, it’s a learning experience for me once more as I navigate this e-commerce business.
I have felt so productive this week-from unpacking to really trimming down my closet to cooking lots of healthy meals to taking care of my nephew to blogging-I feel so complete!
I also just found out one of my friends has set her wedding date this summer so I have an excuse to make an extravagant dress for myself- Yasss!
Well, I have to be off to bed soon but not before I watch 1 episode of Divorce Court!
Lest I forget, a mighty HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY to all of my fellow Queens out there!
Heels-Asos (old)
Images by S-C Photography